Leah – A Wife Favoured by God

“But she said to her, Wasn’t it enough that you took away my husband? “Will you take away my son’s mandrakes too? – Genesis 30:15 (NIV)

In our previous devotion, we saw a wife who was desperately seeking love and affection from her husband, who continued to reject her and instead gave his love, affection, and attention to her sister (Rachel). God, however, favoured Leah and caused her to be fruitful, bearing four sons initially, while Rachel was barren during this period.

As we examine the Scripture, we observe that Reuben, Leah’s firstborn son, went into the field during the wheat harvest, where he found mandrakes and took them home to his mother. Notably, mandrakes are flower plants, and their roots can be used for medicinal purposes, while many believed they were also a stimulant to help with fertility and the conception process of barren women. Leah, like any woman, expressed her anger and frustration at her sister’s request by letting her know that it was one thing to take away her husband from her; now, she wanted to deprive her of her son’s mandrakes.

Can you imagine Leah’s little sister setting the terms and conditions for Leah’s own husband (Jacob) to sleep with her that night? Women of God, when you are favoured by God, nothing is impossible for you that believe. Leah took the opportunity afforded to her to sleep with her husband, and God listened to her, and she conceived and bore her fifth son, whom she named Issachar. But God’s favour was still with her, and she conceived again and gave birth to her sixth son, whom she named Zebulun. 

It should be mentioned that the Almighty God, through His infinite love,  showed mercy to Rachel and allowed her to conceive, giving birth to two sons, also. 

As we continue to celebrate women, especially those serving in the Kingdom of God, let us rejoice for what these phenomenal women have accomplished through the favour of God upon their lives and pray that our sisters continue to follow Godly examples so that our Lord may favour them also.

Read: Ruth 2:13; 1 Samuel 1:11
Bible Reading Guide: Psalm 67; John 15; John 16:1-4; 1 Samuel 16; 1 Samuel 17:1-37

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